Fossil specimens of marine fauna

Fossil specimens of marine fauna from preboral time were uncovered in the river Skorga ravine (ca. 120 m above sea level). The organisms composed bivalve molluscs and serpulid tube-worms. Brackish fiord water of the boreal North Atlantic reached Spydeberg within the river Glomma estuary 9000 years before present.

The ecological and anthropological history of Spydeberg are depicted in fossils and artefacts investigated in our studies. The basis of the landscape is its geology. The related geographical district provides the widest scope for learning about natural wild life and human pioneer settlement since the end of the Ice Age and afterwards. Before modern man's heavy hand was laid upon Spydeberg.

Read more in the book Spydeberg bygdebok -The Ice Age to the Age of Enlightenment.
(ISBN 978-82-996630-0-8, ISBN 978-82-996630-0-9).
Text in Norwegian with summaries in English.

Volume 4 in honour of the pioneer David Lowenthal (1923-2018).

"The welfare of the future, as Spydeberg and its people, past and present, help to illustrate, is not a frill or a luxury; it is essential and inescapable responsibility of the present."

("The Spydeberg landscape - a living legacy" essay by professor David Lowenthal published in volume 2.)

Photos: Vidar M. Skulberg, Spydeberg